Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Terrific Tuesday!

Today we enjoyed music with Lyle Stang. He really got the crowd dancing and clapping. He played a variety of music including some patriotic songs for the upcoming holiday. The residents also enjoyed a tasty treat, making and eating smores. They were a little messy, but that is part of the fun. Please visit our website @ http://www.edenheights.com/eden.html

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Monthly Birthday Party

Tuesday was our monthly birthday party with the Country Gentlemen, Gene, Howard and Dan.
We celebrated all the June birthdays with cake and dancing to the music. Please visit our website @ http://www.edenheights.com/eden.html
On Wednesday we took a trip to East Aurora to Viddler's 5 & 10 Store. We had a great time shopping, there's so much to look at. After shopping we stopped for lunch.

First day of Summer Fun!

We had our first day of summer kick off party! We celebrated with leis, luau music, punch and pineapple cream cheese & ham roll ups. The weather was great and everyone enjoyed being outdoors. We are all looking to more summer fun in the days to come. Please visit our website @ http://www.edenheights.com/eden.html

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Special Breakfast

There was a special breakfast for our residents on Sunday. Everyone was treated to eggs cooked to order, pancakes, sausage and danish or muffins. What I great way to start the day. Thanks to our dietary department that prepared another wonderful meal. Please visit our website @ http://www.edenheights.com/eden.html

Father's Day Social

Saturday families and residents were invited to a Father's Day Social in the dining room. We served pizza, chicken, stuffed mushrooms and cocktails while listening to oldies music, Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. There were also gift giveaways for some of our lucky Dads. Please visit our website @ http://www.edenheights.com/eden.html

Father's Day Steak Cookout

On Thursday the men were treated to Steak Dinner in the activity room for a Father's Day Celebration. Some of the residents from Eden Heights of West Seneca joined us for the occasion. The steak was cooked out on the grill by Jason, complete with vegetables, baked potato and dessert. Everyone enjoyed great food and conversation. Please visit our website @ http://www.edenheights.com/eden.html

Flag Raising Ceremony

Thursday was a special day for Eden Heights residents and staff. The residents donated a new flag and pole, which they had located in front of the building, where it could be proudly displayed. This project was very meaningful to our residents because it shows their patriotism and loyalty for their country. We were very thankful to have the local veterans from Post #880 in Eden to perform the ceremony for us. The program started off with a introduction by Rise, Administrator then a prayer, short story, twenty one gun salute and taps by the Veterans. We also remembered those who continue to fight for our country. After the ceremony everyone was invited for refreshments. Please visit our website @ http://www.edenheights.com/eden.html


During the week the residents enjoyed listening to music by John Little. He got us clapping, dancing and toe tapping. Julie and Jean are two of his favorite fans. To end the program there was the twist and chicken dance that a group of us danced to, along with John Little. Everyone had a great time! Please visit our website @ http://www.edenheights.com/eden.html

Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday Cookout

Today we had a beautiful day for our weekly cookout. Every Friday the residents take turns attending a cookout on our back patio. Today we enjoyed hot dogs, beans, corn on the cob, german potato salad and of course dessert. We had a wonderful time enjoying the warmth of the sunshine, conversation and great food. Please visit our website at http://www.edenheights.com/eden.html

Monday, June 7, 2010

Planting our Garden

On thursday it was a beautiful day, so we decided to plant our garden. We had colorful flowers for our hanging pots and to plant by the gazebo. In our backyard we will plant flowers around the trees. In our vegetable garden we planted various kinds of tomatoes, even the topsy turvy plant, cucumbers, eggplant, onions, zucchini, and cabbage. We are looking forward to watching our vegetables grow and use them in our cooking club and kitchen. Please visit our website at http://www.edenheights.com/eden.html

Memorial Celebration

Eden Heights would like to thank all the Men and Women who have made the ultimate sacrifice by serving their country. Not only today, but everyday we will always keep them in our thoughts and prayers for protecting our freedom and keeping us safe.
We had a Memorial Day celebration with the Dennehy's. They helped celebrate the day by honoring our vets with patriotic music and some country songs. Afterwards the residents enjoyed patriotic cookies and lemonade. Please visit our website at http://edenheights.com/eden.html