Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Welcome Party

As the month of September starts to wine down we at Eden Heights enjoy welcoming our new residents with our monthly welcome party. It is a great way for the new residents to meet current residents. Please visit our website @

Alzheimer's Walk

This past weekend, the residents and staff of Eden Heights participated with thousands of individuals rallying for one cause to help end Alzheimer's Disease. The staff and residents joined as one team for the Alzheimer's Walk which took place in Delaware Park. It was a cold, windy day, but we all braved the weather for this great cause. We also raised donations from various raffles and sales. Please visit our website @

Monday, September 20, 2010

Car and Gift Show

To end the week of our "Living Life" Celebration Eden Heights hosted a Classic Car & Gift Show. The cars brought back memories and stories for many of our residents who used to own some of these classic cars. There was also shopping to enjoy from purses to baked goods and jewelry. In addition to the show we also had a hot dog sale with all the proceeds going to the Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk to be held on Saturday, September 25th. Thanks to all who participated. Please visit our website @

Staff and Residents Games

Living Life is what we at Eden Heights want to accomplish every day not only during Assisted Living Week. To help us live life we encourage residents and staff to participate in different activities together. One of these activities included our resident and staff social. The social consisted of different games that resident and staff played together. The games were called win it in a minute, which made it a race against the clock and the other participants. The residents enjoyed watching the staff race against one another in these various games. Some of the games were pulling tissues out of a box the fastest, trying to get a cookie off the forehead into the mouth without any hands, and an obstacle course. The social had all the residents and staff laughing and enjoying themselves. Please visit our website

One of the many fun games and events we had this past week was our balloon popping game. Inside each balloon was a different message that the residents read and followed what it said. Some of the messages including just smiling, laughing, or singing a song. The residents enjoyed each task there was inside the balloon. Not only did the resident enjoy their secret messages, but more so they enjoyed popping the balloons. The balloon popping had the staff and residents laughing and enjoying life. Please visit our website @http//

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Breakfast Buffet

This morning we celebrated Assisted Living Week with a large hardy breakfast buffet. The residents enjoyed all the food prepared for them. It was a great start to the day. Also to help celebrate Assisted Living Week we have a board with pictures of staff and residents. The board helps to show how much fun we at Eden Heights have while living our lives. Please visit our website @http//

Mystery Ride

On Wednesday afternoon we took a mystery ride. Our residents were surprised when we arrived at our destination, which was the Herschell Carrousel Museum in North Tonawanda. There's a lot of history in the musuem from the first carousel horse made to the little dipper from Crystal Beach and the Wurlitzer Music Roll Shop. The best part of the tour was getting to ride the carousel which was started in 1916 and has 36 carved horses, 580 lights and plays band organ music. It brought back the kid in all of us. Then we enjoyed shopping at the Gift Shop.
Please visit our website @

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

School Days

On Monday, it was time to get ready for school. The residents started with homeroom and introductions, then off to their first class which was physical education (yoga), then English class which included spelling and penmanship. Next was mathematics where they were tested on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Then everyone's favorite, a brown bag lunch in the cafeteria, where the residents were also given "Living Life" buttons and a "Living Life" poem to celebrate National Assisted Living Week. In the afternoon it was off to Chorus, then back to homeroom class for Report Cards, Awards and an after school snack. I am happy to report that all the students passed with flying colors and no one was send to the principals office.
Please visit our website @

Happy Grandparents Day

On Sunday grandparents, grandkids and great grandkids celebrated being together with laughter and ice cream sundaes. Everyone enjoyed Magic and balloon figures by Ted. A few of his tricks included "cutting off someone's arm", making a bunny "appear" and also making other items "disappear". With his great sense of humor and fun tricks, a great time was had by all.
Please visit our website @