Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Making Memories

The residents were kept busy all last week by creating memory books with Amy. Amy is a nursing student who chose Eden Heights for her community project. She enjoyed learning about the residents lives, both past and present. The residents enjoyed using their own special touches into creating their books, while reminiscing about their childhood, families, friends and their life at Eden Heights. Everyone had such a wonderful time, they decided to get together again and create a memory book of Eden Heights for families and visitors to see. Please visit our website @

2011 Memory Walk

On Saturday, some of our residents, staff, family and friends from Eden Heights participated in the Memory Walk to benefit the Alzheimer’s Association. To raise donations we sold paper elephants, had a hot dog sale during our Classic Car Show and held an afghan raffle, made by one of our residents. Everyone had a great time helping out such a worthwhile cause. Please visit our website at

Monday, September 19, 2011

Classic Car Show

Saturday was our Classic Car Show and Hot Dog sale to benefit the WNY Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk. Families and friends had a great time showing off their favorite cars and reminiscing about the past. Mr. Winter was proud to display his Model T Ford while wearing his hat and tails. Charles was all smiles to take a country ride in this Model T Ford. Thank you to all that participated!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Back to School Day

Monday we went Back to School. Our first class was Yoga with Ms. Darlene, then History with Ms. Roush were we discussed the various Wars of our country and trivia, next Creative Writing with Mrs. Crosier in which the class created stories and headlines on various topics. After lunch break it was off to Science class with Mr. Paul who demonstrated an experiment for the class. The day ended with awards and report cards. I am happy to report that everyone passed and no one got sent to the principals office. Please visit our website @

A Variety of Programs

In addition to our 9/11 Ceremony and our Back to School Day it has been a week filled with a variety of programs for Assisted Living Week. Tuesday we reminisced by watching our 2011 Prom film that was so graciously put together by one of our family members. It was great to see the wonderful dinner and dancing with the Gowanda High School Students, Wednesday it was Family Bingo Night, Thursday a silly sock contest which had everyone smiling all day by watching all the colorful & crazy socks walk by and Friday a program by Denise Richard who performed a portrayal of Amelia Earhart’s life. On Saturday we will end the week with a Classic Car Show and Hot Dog Sale to benefit the Erie County Alzheimer’s Association 2011 Memory Walk. Please visit our website @

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Remembering 9/11

On Sunday our residents, staff and families took part in a Memorial Service to honor and remember the victims of 9/11. Our service included a 9/11 flag raising, hymns, prayers, a candlelight vigil and a poem titled “The Names” by Billy Collins that we would like to share:

The Names – Billy Collins

Yesterday, I lay awake in the palm of the night.
A soft rain stole in, unhelped by any breeze,
And when I saw the silver glaze on the windows,
I started with A, with Ackerman, as it happened,
Then Baxter and Calabro,
Davis and Eberling, names falling into place
As droplets fell through the dark.
Names printed on the ceiling of the night.
Names slipping around a watery bend.
Twenty-six willows on the banks of a stream.
In the morning, I walked out barefoot
Among thousands of flowers
Heavy with dew like the eyes of tears,
And each had a name –
Fiori inscribed on a yellow petal
Then Gonzalez and Han, Ishikawa and Jenkins.
Names written in the air
And stitched into the cloth of the day.
A name under a photograph taped to a mailbox.
Monogram on a torn shirt,
I see you spelled out on storefront windows
And on the bright unfurled awnings of this city.
I say the syllables as I turn a corner –
Kelly and Lee,
Medina, Nardella, and O’Connor.
When I peer into the woods,
I see a thick tangle where letters are hidden
As in a puzzle concocted for children.
Parker and Quigley in the twigs of an ash,
Rizzo, Schubert, Torres, and Upton,
Secrets in the boughs of an ancient maple.
Names written in the pale sky.
Names rising in the updraft amid buildings.
Names silent in stone
Or cried out behind a door.
Names blown over the earth and out to sea.
In the evening — weakening light, the last swallows.
A boy on a lake lifts his oars.
A woman by a window puts a match to a candle,
And the names are outlined on the rose clouds –
Vanacore and Wallace,
(let X stand, if it can, for the ones unfound)
Then Young and Ziminsky, the final jolt of Z.
Names etched on the head of a pin.
One name spanning a bridge, another undergoing a tunnel.
A blue name needled into the skin.
Names of citizens, workers, mothers and fathers,
The bright-eyed daughter, the quick son.
Alphabet of names in a green field.
Names in the small tracks of birds.
Names lifted from a hat
Or balanced on the tip of the tongue.
Names wheeled into the dim warehouse of memory.
So many names, there is barely room on the walls of the heart.

June 24, 2005 | Permalink

Friday, August 26, 2011

Boating and Fishing Trip

This week the residents enjoyed a scenic boat ride and fishing trip on Lake Erie. John was our captain aboard the Excalibur boat. It was a good time that brought back many memories. Please visit our website at

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Carnival Day

In honor of the Erie County Fair we held our own "Fair Day". Everyone had fun playing the fish bowl game, duck pond, bean bag toss and dice raffle. The prizes were also fair themed from cotton candy & lollipops to stuffed animals. The residents also enjoyed corn dogs, french fries, popcorn and loganberry. The sights and smells brought back memories of the good old carnival days. Please visit our website at

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Eden Cornfest Parade

One of our biggest summer events is the Eden Cornfest, which is a 37 year tradition here in Eden. Eden Heights was proud to participate in this years festivities with a tent in the fest that had information and giveaways regarding our facility. Our Eden Heights Vets were honored to be invited to a ceremony on Sunday morning in remembrance of all who served. We were also excited to be in the parade for the second year in a row. The residents threw candy and greeted all the children and families along the parade route. We also had our own Eden Heights cheering section along the parade from the residents that came to watch us. It was a wonderful day that brought a new experience to many of us and gave us time to spend with folks from all over WNY and the community. Please visit our website @

Eden Heights Family Community Picnic

Our Eden Heights Family Picnic was done in country style this year. Our families and residents enjoyed music from The Country Gentlemen-Gene, Howard & Dan who are one of Eden Heights favorites, country line dancing with Dare 2 Dance and face painting and balloon figures with Kandi Kiss. The food was down home country cooking prepared by our chefs, which included BBQ pulled pork, macaroni salad, chips, pop and apple cobbler. We also had a patriotic afghan made by one of our residents Rose Mariani to help raise donations for the WNY Alzheimer’s Association 2011 Memory Walk. It was a wonderful time to enjoy family, friends, food and fun. Please visit our website @

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Beach Bingo

Yesterday we put a new spin on bingo and had a beach theme. The room was decorated in a summer theme, everyone wore leis, we also had special prizes like seashells, hula bears and hibiscus fans. Please visit our website @

Outing to Waterfront & Wharf

On a warm summer day we took a trip to the waterfront to cool off. The breeze felt great as we enjoyed ice cream and watched the boats sail by. We then visited the new addition to the wharf and saw the naval ships. Please visit our website @

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Picnic Outing

Today was a beautiful day to get out and enjoy the summer weather. We packed cold chicken, pasta salad, chips, pop and homemade cookies to enjoy at one of our favorite parks, Chestnut Ridge. We also enjoyed the scenery, especially the top of the ski hill where on a clear day, you can see the city skyline. Please visit our website @

Friday, July 8, 2011

Garden Party

It’s been a busy week at Eden Heights. For the 4th of July we played patriotic bingo, enjoyed a BBQ lunch and watched a tribute to America the Beautiful, that showed appreciation for our countries beautiful landscapes and landmarks along with patriotic music and ice cream. Tuesday we were entertained with music by David Stockton and took a shopping trip to Wal-Mart on Wednesday. Friday we celebrated with a garden party in the courtyard, which was updated with more flowers, vegetable plants, bird feeders, chairs and decor for our community and their families to enjoy. Residents, staff and volunteers are all proud of creating this wonderful area to relax and enjoy nature. Please visit our website @

Friday, July 1, 2011

In Appreciation

The residents came up with the idea of having a staff appreciation party for the employees on Friday afternoon to thank them for all they do and to show appreciation. The residents started off by giving heartfelt speeches to the staff, followed by serving the staff pizza and wings. The residents also painted sun catchers for the staff. It was a wonderful time for the staff and residents to socialize with each other. The staff were very thankful to the residents for planning such an event and for their heartfelt gesture. Both the staff and residents are fortunate to know each other and are each others extended family.Please visit our website @