Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Father's Day Steak Dinner

Today the residents from Eden Heights of Eden and West Seneca came together to celebrate Father’s Day in Eden. The men started off with shrimp cocktail for an appetizer. Our chef Laurie made steaks on the grill to perfection, that was served with fresh green beans and a baked potato. We also could not forget dessert, which was delicious peanut butter pie. In addition to the dinner, this gave the gentlemen a chance to take a country ride and visit with each other. It was a special time. Please visit our website @

A Flag Day Ceremony

On Tuesday, June 14th Eden Heights was honored to have the Veterans from Local #880 here to perform a flag day ceremony. The program started with the Pledge of Allegiance, morning prayer, recognizing our eden heights veterans, changing of the flag and taps, as everyone proudly held their flags. Afterwards, refreshments were served in the dining room.
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Our Weekly Summer Cookout

Summer’s officially here. Last week we started off our weekly summer cookouts on the back patio. The residents take turns having a picnic style meal. They enjoy hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, pasta salad and all the other picnic favorites. We have had two picnics so far, and the weather has been beautiful. Please visit our website@

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Memorial Day Ceremony

On Monday, Eden Heights was honored to perform a Memorial Day Ceremony to honor our Veterans. Our program included the pledge of allegiance, patriotic songs, special pins for our Eden Heights Men and Women Veterans, a video tribute and a visit from Mary Lee Roush who is a Air National Guard Veteran. The program ended with thank you cards displayed to honor those who have served. Please visit our website @

The Eden Second Grade Class Performs

On Friday, May 27th the second grade class from Eden came to our community and performed “Around the World”. As they took us to different countries such as Japan, Israeli, Australia and Morocco they sang, danced and informed us about the different languages and cultures. We were all impressed on how they also sang and counted in different languages. They taught us about the different animals in each country. Everyone enjoyed all their hard work and talent. It was a beautiful performance. Please visit our website @

Raiders Respond-A Day of Volunteering

On Friday, May 27th it is a day of Community Volunteering in Eden. The Eden High School students came to volunteer at our community and helped with landscaping, gardening, window washing and other various chores. We are so thankful to them for all their help. Our grounds look wonderful. Please visit our website @

A 100th Birthday Celebration

On May 25th Eden Heights was honored to celebrate Rose Mariani's 100th birthday with her and her family. Rose is a very active, she goes shopping, exercises, enjoys gardening and reading. Her insight on life is to live with no regrets, focus on the positives, take one day at a time and spend time with family. We wish Rose a year of good health and happiness.
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